воскресенье, 31 мая 2015 г.

Day of newspapers and Amsterdam

Friday. Sunny day. The weather is nice. You just sit by bicycle and as usual go to school. During this time in Holland we got used to this transport. 

On Friday we have a newspaper contest and all the students are divided into different groups. Russian group is small, so we have one team with our dear Dutch students. Our newspapers consists of articles about the differences between the country in which you live and The Netherlands. Usually it includs culture, transport, food, daily life and so on. It is so active work, everybody wants to help to each other to make one of the greatest newspaper. Russian students also try as well as others but  today the fortune isn't on our side. 

Failure does not mean we have accomplished nothing;
It does mean we have learned something.

Really, we have learned a lot but the main part of this work is our community with students from different countries and we like it most of all.

Some of us go to Amsterdam by train. We are admiring beautiful views and reach our destination very quickly.
We are walking in Amsterdam so much  that our feet hurt. But we can buy souvenirs, see all the things that we couldn't see during our first trip, visit the fair, where we ride the attractions. We have a lot of fun here.

Smirnova Julia, Selskaya Polina

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